Why Are Smartphones So Addictive?

3 years ago

According to research, the average person checks their smartphone about 81,500 times each year. That works out to once every 4.3 minutes, which means you’ll probably be tempted to check your phone at least once before you finish reading this post.

Let’s face it, we’re addicted to our smartphones. I’m not pointing fingers though. I had to delete Facebook and email from my phone after realizing how often I was checking it.

But why are we so addicted to our phones? What is it about them that’s so irresistible? Research demonstrates they affect our brains in addiction-forming ways.

Their real addictive power, however, doesn’t come from the phones themselves but what they feed: our addiction to distraction.

We’re distraction addicts because distraction lets us avoid the truths we don’t want to face.

And to the extent that smartphone addiction is shaping the thought patterns of an entire generation, this is perhaps their greatest danger to us.

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