Super Soldier Talk - Alex Diaz - Agent Bloodstreak, Reptilians

3 years ago

Original Upload Date: June 19, 2013

Listen in as James Rink and Alex Diaz share what they have learned about Alex and his clone avatar role as Agent Bloodstreak, a genetically enhanced superhuman used by the reptilians in their ultra milab super soldier program. This and much more.

Alex Diaz 54631

Your called blood streak ( because you are kind of clumsy and like to use blunt force weapons so you leave behind enemies blood which would leave a trail of blood leading to where you were at which WASN't that bad because you would just kill them anyway. So they just decided to call him that as a joke )

You have multi-tone programming which is a good thing it's an upgrade. The single tone only runs off one frequency at a time. The multi tone can run off of an infinite amount cutting lag time. So you can react quicker without much rest. And it also means you have a lot more stamina.

You usually do solo missions but he is part of a team which I can't figure out which one. We have bumped paths into him before. But what he needs to do is accept what's happening and look into himself for answers. He needs to know that not all people are out to get him. That he should calm his mind. I feel like he might freak out a lot. That's what I get from him.

You are also very strong. You like to rip trees out the ground and use them as his bat. These abilities are in his avatars not his own physical body.

Camera operated by Jay Collins

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