Quickly Lower Blood Sugar

3 years ago

Quickly Lower Blood Sugar The easiest way to lower blood sugar is to take your prescribed insulin. However, your body may take as long as four hours to absorb insulin, and taking too much insulin can kill you. If you need to quickly lower your blood sugar, drink plenty of water and go for a walk. A diet with protein-rich foods, leafy greens, and healthy fats can also help quickly lower your blood sugar. If high blood sugar is a recurring problem for you, talk to your doctor as soon as possible about adjusting your treatment regimen.1 Handling a Potential Emergency Look for classic signs of high blood sugar. If your blood sugar levels are high, you may feel irritable, tired and lethargic. Feeling very thirsty and having a dry mouth also are common symptoms of high blood sugar. You may have other symptoms that are unique to you. Monitor your body closely so you can learn to see these symptoms as soon as they pop up. If you are vomiting or nauseous, go to the hospital immediately. These may be signs of extremely high blood sugar that could put you at risk of diabetic ketoacidosis, sometimes called a diabetic coma. You may have other symptoms that are unique to you. Monitor your body closely so you can learn to see these symptoms as soon as they pop up.If you are vomiting or nauseous, go to the hospital immediately. These may be signs of extremely high blood sugar that could put you at risk of diabetic ketoacidosis, sometimes called a diabetic coma. Record your blood sugar.

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