The Roots of the NWO in Australia

3 years ago

Australians have been sold out by Fabian/Communists who have been in bed with the globalists to create a NWO in Australia for decades. The plan is to make Australians into serfs by destroying our farmland and de-industrialization: sending our once strong independent manufacturing industry off-shore. We watched apathetically while we became dependent on other nations for goods we originally made ourselves. The end goal is that Australia will no longer be a sovereign nation but a vassal state of China and all will be under the control of the United Nations One World Government. In short no more freedom and every aspect of our lives monitored and controlled. The virus is only speeding up their agenda and if you think this is bad wait for their next move - unless we stand up and push back and fight for our rights they will be gone forever and we will become the Communist State of Australia flying a UN flag

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