Fire the Grid - CE5 Cygnet Field Group - 19Jul21

3 years ago

Millions from around the world joined together in consciousness for an hour on 19 July 2021 to harmonise the Earth's grid and raise the vibration of our planet and its inhabitants.
See here just one group's astonishing results for yourself. As you watch, imagine this experience repeated millions of times by people around the world and the resulting, sorely needed, energy burst for Gaia and her inhabitants.
Many thanks as always to the beautiful members of CE5 Cygnet Field Group, who got together for a night of food, fun, laughter and meditation in order to take part in the worldwide mass experience, "Fire The Grid", inspired by its originator, Samoiya Shelley Yates.
In 2002 Samoiya drowned with her son in car in a lake and had a near-death experience. During this experience she met Light Beings who told her how to save the life of her son, which she miraculously did by following their instructions. This included a vigil train of friends and friends of friends laying hands/energy on Shelley's son as he lay in a coma in his hospital room.
Later, in 2007, the Light Beings came to Samoiya with a project called Fire the Grid. They said, “...what you did for your dying son, you can do for a dying planet.”
They indicated that each one of us is an energy being, first and foremost, and that we, as energy beings, are attached to a grid that surrounds the Earth and works through the planet. Each one is connected through that grid."
For the full details of the story that inspired Fire the Grid, go to:

This is a video about energy beings joyfully meeting energy beings in a domestic setting in southern Tasmania. If you think the power of consciousness is overrated, please watch and think again.

In Lak'ech, Namaste, my friends. Joey

Search for the group "CE5 Tasmania (the original established 2016)" on MeWe and Facebook.

Viewers who respond positively to this video may also be interested in the monthly CE5 Skywatch Grid Meditations at:

Best viewed with headphones on, on a big screen. If you are watching on a phone, no, they are not dust particles. This video filmed with iPhone 11 technology.

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