3 years ago

1. Our prayers are in perfect alignment with what God wants to to in this country.
2. Two desks(organizations) have come together for the protection of the USA.
3. God is rescuing California and the USA.
4. California will be in alignment in November 2021.
5. A prophecy from the book of revelation is about to be fulfilled in the USA.
6. The abortion industry(Baal and Molech worship) is coming to and end.
7. The porn industry is about to suffer a great collapse.
8. 250,000,000 souls are going to be saved in the USA
9. The two dragon spirits which have taken up residence in the USA are about to be exposed and expelled from this nation!
10. The glory of God is coming to the church.
11. The 2020 election fraud will be exposed.
12. There is a great movement of God happening right now in the USA that will trample every evil spirit beneath it and will crush every evil in its path. 13. Mountains of evidence are coming in August.
14. Every Democrat and Republican who participated in the election fraud will be unseated in Maryland.
15. There is a move of Gods justice that will begin to take place in Atlanta Georgia.
16. The Isaiah 27 prophecy is about to be fulfilled on the earth and in the USA. God is going to punish leviathan the dragon, that twisted serpent and kill it.
17. The entire USA is about to be reborn. The baby’s name is REVIVAL.
18. By the end of 2021 we are going to know that our God can do anything and that all things are possible with Him!
19. God is giving us some awesome things. These things are coming sooner than we expected.
20. God is going to cause the wicked to fall into the very same graves which they have dug for the American people. There will be a day of disaster for the wicked.
21. God is going to re-instate Donald Trump as president and Donald Trump will give God all the glory for it because he will know in his heart without a doubt that it was God who did it!

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