10 facts that help predict whether you will grow old with your partner

3 years ago

A person's heart is always young for two things: to be loved and not to die alone. Well, for most of us, at least it seems so. People in relationships often wonder whether they will be able to make it this far, where they marry and have a family together. But there's a line beyond that that only a few can think of, will you grow old with the person you're dating? Sounds interesting, doesn't it?
It goes without saying that your relationship needs a lot to go this far: patience, compromise, flexible understanding, and commitment, hope for a good future, and the list goes on. But here, we will discuss some important factors that can help you predict whether you will really grow old with the person you are dating.

1. If you are with them.
When your partner happily accepts your personality with all its ups and downs, you stay with him for a long time. Being able to be your full self is a sign of liberation in the context of your relationship. There is someone by your side who loves you with all your possessions and what you don't have, who surely has a boat to carry you forward in the river of love shared between you and your partner.

2. The qualities of your partner you love.
Everyone has those little habits that bother the whole world. But if you find them cute, you are in for a good run in it. Your partner will love you even more and will want to hold you until they especially can't when you're annoyed by their weird habits or how they want to play FIFA at three in the morning.

3. You don't need a plan.
Being with someone with whom you can sit under the stars and say nothing is one of the best things in the world. Good couples don't have to plan date nights and such. They just go with the flow. Your relationship will last a long time when the things you do with your partner come naturally, no planning required.

4. When You Enjoy the Simplest Things.
Rest assured that the beauty of your relationship will last long after you enjoy doing even the simplest of things with your partner, whether it's fixing the laundry coffee machine together, no matter what. As long as you both feel comfortable and smile together, this is meant to last.

5. If You're Totally Expressive With Them.
Whether it's joy or sorrow, anger or fear, silence or doubt, if you don't feel any pressure from your partner to deeply express your feelings, thoughts, and perspectives, that relationship is sure to last. We all have our demons. If your partner looks at you yet approaches you with the same love, then they are bound to grow old with you.

6. They Continue to Amaze You.
If you looked into their eyes for the first time, the butterflies that you felt in your stomach initially, they keep on fluttering even when they are broken and pathetic and even then your relationship is going to be long-lasting. Many times the couples get sick of each other as they mostly fall in love with each other because of the external beauty, which fades away. There is no inner beauty. You will really grow old with them if they continue to amaze you years later.

7. You are best friends, more than anything.
Couples who get older are mostly the ones who walk in parks holding hands one moment and wrestle with each other who gets the TV remote the next. To enjoy that kind of chemistry not only as partners but as best friends is sure to take your relationship so far.

8. You Bring Out the Best in Each Other.
Love is measured by a change of heart. If you and your partner continue to bring out the best in each other and therefore continue to grow personally, then you are also meant to grow old together. You both will eventually get used to noticing each other and then improving on your good qualities, and she will become a drug in a way. And both of you will just want more: for one to bring out the bright side of the other.

9. You fix fights.
Arguments and fights are part of even the longest relationships. So if you and your partner give enough importance to your relationship to overcome fights and arguments, then both of you are good at it.

10. You care about them more than yourself.
At the end of the day, we all have people we trust and love. If you put your partner's happiness and comfort before yours, if you are ready to move mountains for them, then your relationship is really meant to last.

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