Tesla Powerpacks + Usina Solar Kauai em Island

3 years ago

To achieve a sustainable energy future, the world needs reliable, renewable energy 24 hours a day. The island of Kauai has an abundance of solar energy, but it can only be used when the sun is shining. Kauai burns millions of gallons of fossil fuels annually to produce energy overnight.

Yet. Tesla's Tesla Powerpack and 13 MW solar farm store the solar energy produced during the day and deliver it to the grid during the night hours to reduce the amount of fossil fuels needed to meet energy demand.

This dispatchable solar project represents the first time a utility has contracted for a system of this scale that stores and delivers solar energy after sunset.

For more information: Eng. Raoni Pinheiro

EcoSolarEnergiasRenovaveis@gmail.com or EcoAmbiental.EngAmb@gmail.com

+55 (83) 98895-1106 (Whatsapp) / 99821-0382 (Tim)

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