F-18 & Navy Pilot Visit - Monmouth Executive Airport

3 years ago

www.busyvhive.com - The Busy V Hive family was delightfully surprised to learn an F-18 Navy Aircraft from the Air Test and Evaluation Squadron Nine based out of the Naval Air Weapons Station in China Lake, California had stopped into our local Executive Airport in Wall, NJ over the weekend of July 23-25, 2021.

We had the opportunity to get up close and personal with seeing it & meeting the Aviator Pilot firsthand. We thanked him for his service to our country on behalf of all our American citizen friends. We took some photos and video of the day and compiled. Hope you enjoy it!

#F18 #Military #Navy #Fighter #Aircraft #MonmouthAirport #Testpilot #GodBlessAmerica #Proud #Patriot #Airshow #NewJersey #Pilot #Aviator #ThankYouForYourService #California The #Vampires #VX9 #NavalAirWeaponsStation #ChinaLake # AirtevronNine #XETailCode

Music Attributions:
Envato Music License Certificate Authorization For:

braamex/Powerful Epic Trailer / 33019757
DSXMusic/Cinematic Motivational Epic Trailer / 33167635
Recognition/Epic Trailer Cinematic Intro-33158829

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