Australia One. A Very Important Annoucement

3 years ago

With Sydney and much of Australia going into lockdown, this is something that I never thought I would see in my lifetime.

I have a supply and he came from Communist China. A new Australian, but he still seemed to share some communist view. Only about three months ago he said to me, "Well, in China at least when the government says to turn right, the whole country turns right".

But now, only a short time after, he is saying "What happened. This is what I left China for. It is communism right here. We need out freedom."

That's right. It has just crept right in and everyone is just complying.

The "Delta Variant". Delta Schmelter. I have never heard such a load of bull shit. But I do have three deaths from the vaccine within arms length of my associates and I have seen the footage of victims, shacking in absolute uncontrollable spasms, begging for it to stop. This is a Vacc Injury. Vacc Casualty. And the politicians are talking to bring in the military and enforce this on us all.

I read 1984 just before this all began. I could see how this could happen. But then, literally months after reading this book, it is a reality.

OMG! I fear for the future of mankind and I know that any consequence of fighting for out human rights now is nothing to the pain we are going to experience if we just let this happen.

Come on Aussies, Not out Our Shift!

Please have a listen to Mr Riccardo Bosi. He is putting it all out there for us to Make Australia Great Again.

We have to.

Please do listen to his full Part 1 Announcement. The beginning of this 10 Part Series.

Part 1 War of Law!

Hope you enjoy and look forward to seeing you real soon, On The Ropes!

I am Mike King.

PS. Big Protect in Sydney tomorrow Midday. Hyde Park. Looking forward to bringing footage of a successful event. Bring Sydney and Australians together.

Media said there were 3,500 people there. They Lied. There were 50,000 at least. See my next video for full evidence. And it was totally peaceful.

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