3 years ago

The Dinosaur Bichir is a snake or eel like looking prehistoric fish that has existed for 60 million years! There are several different varieties of Bichir, some getting a little larger than the Dinosaur Bichir, which can reach up to 18" in captivity. Others such as the Ornate Bichir can grow over 2 feet in length. They can be aggressive at times, especially going for food, which may include any other fish that can fit in their mouth. Surprisingly, I even had a small Mbuna cichlid that was eaten by the Bichir, a testament to their hunting skills, because Mbuna generally aren't easy to catch!

Side note: The wifey, Cayla, put the bottle in the tank in hopes of the Kribensis using it to breed in..but the Bichir took a liking to it and seems to have claimed it for himself!

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