Auto-Connect Gallagher HR5 Livestock RFID Reader to iPad SPP-BLE Bridge

3 years ago

Shows how to connect Gallagher HR5 to iPad to scan RFID livestock tags.
Since the Gallagher HR5 supports Bluetooth SPP (and WiFi) but not Bluetooth BLE this seems impossible.

This video shows Gallagher HR5 connected to iPad using the BlueSnap bridge. 
HR5 can auto-connect at power-on to the bridge, making it easy to use HR5 with iPad iPhone iPod Touch.

Once connected use iScanBrowser app as shown in video, or use SerialMagic Keys, Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid, and more.
iScanBrowser posts RFID livestock tags to any website/web page without the user having to tap to get focus.

Contact or see other videos for Gallagher HR5 for details.

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