45K DEAD FROM THE COVID SHOT - Watch Atty Renz lay out his lawsuit. The number is immensely higher.

3 years ago

Attorney Thomas Renz dropped a bombshell about a Whistleblower that has come forward alledging that the death rates that she has been monitoring on government websites are much much higher than what Vaers and the Media are telling people. In sworn testimony this Whistleblower is saying the accurate covid shot death number is 45,000 people .
Watch and Share this important speech by Attorney Thomas Renz (www.Renz-Law.com) at Clay Clark's #ReAwaken America Tour stop in Anaheim California.

Government Whistleblower Signs Sworn Affidavit Saying Over 45,000 Have Died from Vaxx!
The fact that the government is refusing to make any attempt to keep track of the number of deaths from the vaxx should have been your first indicator that there are a lot of deaths. If it was perfectly safe, then it would not be the first experimental medicine ever released in history to not be tracked in any way at all.

Here’s the really good news: they didn’t expect this many people to die now, and that means they don’t have any idea how many people are going to die in a year, two years, ten years. Remember: this is literally experimental medicine. There was no trial that lasted more than a couple months (if even that). We might end up in a situation where the globalists accidentally kill all of their own true believers with this vaxx.

AFLDS is looking for college students whose school wants to force them to take the Covid-19 vaccine. Is your college located in California, Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey, New York or Pennsylvania?

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