3 years ago

THIS IS THE NATION OF ISLAM, Farrakhan that is protected by Mass Media, Obama and the entire Democrat party. The Followers of Nation of ISLAM has more than 100 million black followers that are ( NGO"s ) that has been apart of pushing the ( CULTURAL GENOCIDE ) in the US and are directly engaged in GENOCIDE. Their followers message "WE ARE MARRYING WHITE PEOPLE TO PRESERVE THE WHITE RACE" and JOE BIDEN who LIED taking the OATH of office because he directly admitted that he is also behind the massive push for "OPEN BORDERS" while he was VICE PRESIDENT! FORMER DIRECTOR OF THE FBI ( JAMES COMEY - and 29 major FBI headquarters ) was sent documents on GEORGE SOROS, "Chelsea & Hillary" CLINTON who worked with the NGO's and Islamic terrorists in Europe raising money and Obama that they were going to use MASS IMMIGRATION AS A WEAPON against the UNITED STATES. Their long term goals were to move Syria and Iraq along with as many people from South America into the United States in order to expand the welfare state and a legalized enslaved working class people to pay killers to move from (South America) into the UNITED STATES TO COMMIT MASS MURDER - TO KILL OFF THEIR ENEMIES that BIDEN and the Democrat party has declared "TERRORISTS". Open Borders is the UNITED NATIONS - COMPAQ FOR MIGRATION that is a military operation that uses taxpayers money to overthrow their own country and to exterminate all populations through race mixing in order to dismantle all governments and seize all lands while their GENOCIDAL AGENDAS THROUGH RACE MIXING IS ALL ABOUT TOTAL ANNIHILATION regardless of what country you are from. THIS IS A WEAPON that Louis Farrakhan has discussed in length as a weapon that cannot be used against them.

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