He-Ma'am & the Misandrists of the Universe is Exactly What Hollywood Does in the Modern Age

3 years ago

Not a review of Masters of the Universe: Revelations, because I value what's left of my sanity, but rather a commentary on Hollywood and its propensity to lie, deconstruct and be morally bankrupt straight to our face.

If you have reverence for the old series, the 2002 reboot or even the Dolph Lundgren movie, god bless and hold onto those times. This show is not for you and it was always going to be trash because it was a means to push an agenda, not tell a good He-Man story.

It's normie nip; sleek animation, talented voice cast with Big Names and a showrunner with credibility. It had the makings, and a trailer, that had people motivated for a deviation from the same old shlock Hollywood has been turning out for a long time now. Instead, it was leaked months ago that this was going to be a She-Man story, staring Teela, with Prince Adam shelved. Kevin Smith, the showrunner, disputed the claim and said it was all about He-Man. That was a lie, unless Teela is the new He-Man, then yes, it is all about He-Man. Judging by the art direction, that couldn't be more obvious.

Why would you put any faith in Hollywood? You could have seen this coming from a mile away. It will continue to happen until every Franchise has been ruined, only for the ruined Franchises to be remade again! It stops when everyone gets off the ride, plain and simple.

MSN: https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/why-is-kevin-smiths-masters-of-the-universe-series-being-review-bombed-by-fans/ar-AAMwtBu
Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/masters_of_the_universe_revelation
Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/tv/masters-of-the-universe-revelation/season-1/critic-reviews
Bounding Into Comics: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/06/16/kevin-smith-provides-confusing-and-conflicting-answers-regarding-protagonist-of-upcoming-masters-of-the-universe-revelation/

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#MotUR #HeMan #KevinSmith

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