Pi Network app - Review the feature of crypto is here

3 years ago

Pi Network App - Review (The Future of Crypto)

How To Mine Cryptocurrency On Your Phone - Pi Network Review

🔴 Invitation Code 👉 Ndubisi1

In today's video, I'm going to take a closer look at a fairly new cryptocurrency called "Pi", or "Pi Network".

🔴 How To Get Started Mining Pi Coin For Free 🔴
1⃣ Download Pi Network & Start Mining Pi Coin ​
2⃣ Use the Invitation Code: Couto1991

Pi Network was founded in 2019 by multiple Stanford professors with the aim to create a coin that can equally be mined by everyone and does not provide an unfair advantage to people with more money or better hardware.

Pi coin the official cryptocurrency of the Pi network can only be mined until the Network reaches 100,000,000 users, and since there are currently only 7,000,000 users, you still have the chance to become a pioneer and be among the first 10% to mine Pi.

Since mining Pi happens on your smartphone and the mining speed is not determined by hardware or operating system of your smartphone but only depends on the number of people you invite to join your Pi Network it's by far the fairest approach to building a cryptocurrency I've seen in a long time.

The biggest benefit of the current "mine Pi coins for free on your phone" phase is that we can be 100% certain that Pi Network is NOT a scam because it doesn't require any investment at all to get started.

In order to start mining Pi coins on your phone you simply have to follow the steps below:

1⃣ Download the Pi Network app.
2⃣ Launch the app and create your Pi Network account, either by using your Facebook account or your phone number.
3⃣ Enter "ndubisi1" as your invitation code.
4⃣ Click on the "white bolt" icon to start mining Pi coins on your phone for free
5⃣ Repeat step 4⃣ every 24 hours

The future is with us!!!

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