Sen. Paul Calls for Criminal Probe of Dr. Fauci, 3639

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
In what to date was the most explosive Congressional hearing on the origins of the COVID pandemic, Sen. Rand Paul hauled Dr. Anthony Fauci before a congressional committee for questioning.
[insert to “… the truth.”]
Last night, Hannity interviewed Sen. Paul, and his comments need to be heard by every American and will ultimately go down in history as a major turning point in the coverup of the origins of the COVID pandemic.
Unfortunately for Dr. Fauci, as the news began to break that the NIH had been funding the Wuhan Virology lab’s gain-of-function work, Fauci desperately began to construct his damage control strategy via emails to top colleagues on his government email account. Those emails have subsequently been released and they are damning.

[insert to “… in the history of the world.”]
This needs to be highlighted. “… the worst governmental decision in the history of the world.”
I’m still reporting from just outside the one-time citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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