5G Phones a Technology From Hell

3 years ago

Music by Send Rain

TV and Phones they are listening?

My new TV and the I agree statement?

(Ps 118:8 [KJV]) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

My wife and I have noticed several things bout our phones and TV and I wanted to warn you about them?

Yesterday my wife opened a can of pickled beets and we were talking about them, then she opened her phone and their was an ad for pickled beets.

The other day I got a package of Oreo’s and we were talking about them and the next time I opened my phone their was an ad for Oreo’s

My wife and I have never seen an ad for ether pickled beets of Oreo's on our phones before never.

A week ago we were discussing abortion and the next time my wife opened her phone you guessed it an ad for Planned Parenthood?

First time I really noticed all this was I was talking about Ford pickups and picked up my phone and yep a Ford F-150 ad popped up.

That’s when we started to pay attention, coincidence, not a chance?

People none of what has gone on over the last year, the riots, the lock downs nothing would have been possible had it not been for tv and cell phones?

These are demonic in origin and are tools of the principalities and powers of the air, their main purpose is to condition and control the masses?

People you need to remember these phones are listening to you, they can locate you and with the advent of 5G they are harming you?

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