A new pest has destroyed my flower garden

3 years ago

I have a new pest that has wreaked havoc on my flower beds. This pest is called Hanna the sassy German Shepard puppy. She will not stay out of the flower garden beds. I was not happy to say the least. So I have to figure out a way to keep her out. I may have to put a wire fence up to keep her out. Moving right a long I wanted to say that the garden season is coming to a close here. I still have herbs, green beans, tomatoes producing. I think I have about one more round with them and they should be done. We are going to use the green house to plant a small fall garden. The reason for that is because the extreme weather we have had this year. We are thinking we may have more success using the greenhouse. We will see and let you know our plans in the coming weeks. Stay tuned. Thanks for watching.

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