Thinking about Psalm 23:5-7 - Stone Faith Patriot - 07-24-2021

3 years ago

I woke this morning with a Scripture song playing in my mind and heart. Rick Riso recorded an album called "A Man of His Word" back in the late 1990s. It's an album of Scripture songs. They're all GREAT songs. It's a great album! Y'all should go buy it, either a physical copy, or a digital copy online at Apple Music, Amazon, or wherever you can find it available.

By the way, I was completely wrong about what time it was when I recorded this video. I thought it was around 7:00 a.m. It was 6:30 a.m. Pre-coffee thinking is dangerous. LOL

ANYWAY, The song from that album that has Psalm 23:5-7 was playing in my heart and mind as I awoke today. It kept playing in my heart and mind as I took the dogs out for their morning playtime and other business. As usual, I missed a few words and forgot the reference as I recorded, but the heart of it is still in what I'm saying in this video. I completely forgot the part "You anoint my head with oil", which actually is pretty HUGE in the picture this Psalm paints. To me it is so wonderfully overwhelming and comforting to know that our LORD prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies! I mean, HOW COOL IS THAT! Even when surrounded by adversity and by our enemies, the LORD Jesus prepares a complete banquet table before us, right in the presence of our enemies! "My cup overflows." That's my reaction as well. I'm overwhelmed with the kindness and goodness of the LORD. NOTHING our enemies do can overcome the protection that we have with our LORD Jesus and His angels around us.

"You protect a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever!"

By the way, yes, that IS a hot air balloon coming in for a landing behind me as I swing the camera back around at the end of the video (video thumbnail). Someone took a very early morning hot air balloon adventure over Branson today.

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