Aeolian Whisperings

3 years ago

Aeolian Whisperings

Aeolian whisperings transformed to word
a story in rhyme upon the wind is heard
A tale to be told lest it be forgotten
ignoring these whisperings is not an option

Writing can become the poets lament
other days words are heaven sent
Experience in life converts to a line
they are yours and sometimes mine

Paper is my canvas on which to create
eloquent meanings which do not prate
Ink it flows as the blood in my veins
quenching my thirst as the summer rains

Perhaps your story is in there too
between the lines there is a clue
Strung together and written down
stories the same in city and town

Tales of woe and joy and defeat
arise everyday for the sun to greet
Continue onward a step at a time
is how poets live to create a rhyme

Patriotic Poet

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