3 reasons why (some) labeling is a good idea

3 years ago

You probably need some labels.

All right, all right – don’t jump all over me. I’m not telling you to go out and get a fancy label maker and use it all over your house.

I’m just saying your kids (or husband!) could probably use a little help. And sometimes the old-fashioned label is the best, fastest way to do that.

I know you know where everything is. You’re the mom – the household manager – your family’s CEO.

But don’t you get tired of telling people detailed directions? Or losing patience when they can’t find what’s right in front of them, and having to go fetch it yourself?

Labels can stop all that. So here’s how to do it.

What you’ll learn:
• Why you need to go around the house and observe from a stranger’s perspective
• Your labels need to makes sense to your family (aka, be easily understood by the kids)
• Last step? Go around and slap those labels on!

Get those bins and boxes labeled so that you can start getting other people to do the fetch and carry work!

Delegation for the win. And all it took was a few labels. (Okay, maybe a few dozen….)

Go forth and conquer! (Especially the idea that only mom can find anything in this house.)

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

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