Examination of a duty to Accommodate

3 years ago

This is an emergent Private Message to brothers and sisters in Christ on formulating the words to effect and deliver a verifiable living demand for the immediate accommodation of our faith in performing an audit to facilitate a determination of our total consolidated worth that has accumulated since our bodies were pledged upon the information of our registration of our bodies was received and constituted as a promise to help pay the corporations debt and the commercial alteration of our names evidences the military conquering of the corporation in the title of receiver General and section 4.13 in the Canadian Style manual. This link is to the Canadian Ownership Act https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-20/page-1.html This next link is the only lawful exception for all caps name in a bankrupt under a Military General's receivership of a registered and trading debtor corpor-nation

and the ICCPR https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx

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