A Highway Shall Be There and a Way...

3 years ago

E395 Heaven Land Devotions - A Highway Shall Be There and a Way...
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There comes a time that the Lord will begin to start stirring you up. You will feel a sense of some kind of change coming. It is notable and distinct and it begins to grow and and grow. Along with it comes a knowing that it is not originating from you. Then a time comes that you finally realize it is the Lord Himself calling you. There may have been other times, but this is a clear calling from God that stands alone. Meaning, there is a maturity clause in it that you realize demands a mature response that He deserves.

A knowing is involved as well, that this is a calling that you realize could mean a change of life. No one ever knows what the Lord has in mind so an intelligent pause happens. You know better than to give a flip answer. When you finally get to that place where you are ready to answer Him yes or no, there was time spent in truly counting the cost. Many people begin to get anxious when they feel this deep moving of God. They begin to start the process of deductive issues of why they most likely will not be able to do serve Him.

They do not take into account that the Lord would never ask anyone to serve Him and then make them carry and do everything. This is where many mighty opportunities are lost. They deduce them away with a horizontal view of "how" they are going to be able serve Christ with so much going on their lives. However, Christ is only seeking an answer from you. He is giving you a choice. That choice is a forked road. Because when you choose to say yes, then you are enter into path of service and "a way."

Do not be afraid to say yes to the Lord, and when you do, give Him room to move afterwards. It may not be tomorrow or next week, but He will come for you. He will do everything for you. Yours is only to obey in joy when He brings you into it.

"God is not after your time, your talents, or money. All He wans is you. And when He has you, He has your time, your talents and your money. But don't offer Him any of those until you've offered Him yourself." ~Derek Prince

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