Swarm Cast - McAfee Countdown Party $WhackD - Tin Foil Chat

3 years ago

McAfee Countdown Party $WhackD - Swarm Cast - Tin Foil Chat
Wallet: 13fA9buF8fxENCtvcjbPLEJjvj5dE5qRjo

Tin Foil Hat Unofficial Discord - https://discord.gg/KaaQRbwz6u
Degen Den Discord - https://discord.gg/E7U2PUC

YeungHuman: https://linktr.ee/YeungHuman
Arthur Diamondhands - https://flote.app/user/arthurdiamondhands
Dave Sarra - https://twitter.com/DaveXHALE https://www.instagram.com/dave.sarra/
Dekomodo - https://deko.fm/dekomodo

0:00 - I want to shake your hand!
0:34 - McAfee have crypto?
1:31 - Does McAfee even code bro?
10:28 - Jackass and the button d!ck
14:07 - Ryan Dunn?!?!?!??!
16:21 - Dave autistically tries to explain obelisks and sphere earth
19:14 - how tall is the washington monument?
22:45 - Will the internet turn off?
33:41 - What does the tech from Batman and Robin remind you of?
52:52 - Is this an elaborate Hunter Biden NFT?
1:22:50 - $WhackD crash, was it a rug pull?
1:27:06 - Downdetector, why did so many sites crash today?
1:41:42 - Skinwalker Ranch
1:52:06 - Thanks Frog! XRP SHILLS!
1:58:56 - More on $WhackD token
2:10:00 - Working Class in the 70's/80's vs the working class in 2000's
2:12:51- Is the Swarm being played?
2:25:00 - Conspiracy Roulette
2:36:16 - Planet Sounds

Degen Den Podcast
https://www.DegenDen.net [coming soon]
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