3 years ago

When saving the most amount of lives is your number one priority triage stands as your best determination of resource allocation. Basically you begin with the most life threatening causes and move down from there. This practice simply makes sense if your goal is saving lives. With this in mind I ask how many black lives has racism taken in the last 20 months? How many black children have been shot by white supremacist in the last 18 months? How many black men have been shot by police officers in the last 16 months? How many black babies have been aborted in the last 14 months? How many black citizens have died from heart disease in the last 12 months? If we apply the triage concept, then the results of the objective data will point us to where we are needed mostfirst. And it is not rioting in the streets. It is not stealing from others and calling it reparations. It is not hating where you come from. It is not forcing people to use pronouns that are grammatical incorrect. It is not reimplementing segregation and calling it unity. It is not rolling your eyes every time someone brings up black on black crime. It is not teaching our children how to be racist and calling it thorough curricula. It is not in quarantining the healthy and failing to protect the most vulnerable. It is not in artificially crippling the economy and then paying people to remain unproductive with money we don’t have. It is not electing a cognitively declining senior citizen with a history of lies, plagiarism, corruption and racism. It is not in attempting to dismantle free speech and the right to self defense. It is not in taking away liberty and then calling it humanitarian. Go to any weekend and type in “how many shot in Chicago”, just as I did in this video and then ask yourself, “where is Mr. Obama, where is Mr. Sharpton, where is Kamala Harris, where is Mr. James, where is Ms. Winfrey, where is Hollywood, where is MSM, where is Mr. Kaepernick, WHERE IS BLM INC.

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