Dominion Lawsuits, Dr. Bartlett Covid Remedy, Pastor Leon & “Faith to Live By” Author.

3 years ago

Blessed to Teach (B2T) empowers Christian Patriots with Truth!

We have key patriot interviews from Anaheim with a Dominion whistleblower, a Dr. with a COVID remedy, Pastors fighting to awaken Black America and the “Faith to Live” by author and podcaster!

We get updated by the Dominion whistleblower, Joe Oltman who actually heard Dominion employee and Antifa member, Eric Coomer, say; “We will not let f****** Trump win!” Joe gives us updates on lawsuits as Dominion attempts to silence everyone telling the truth about the election fraud.

Dr. Bartlett who discovered a remedy for COVID, describes the easy treatment and how it is even more effective than hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. He also updates on the ongoing media smear campaign trying to silence him.

Pastor Leon and his wife who are fighting to wake up the black community tell us how they were awakened and why they travel between Oklahoma and the East coast every week to pastor 2 separate churches!

Pamela Christian, the “Faith to Live By” author and podcaster talks about how she found the B2T Show that inspired her to start a Podcast to fight the Deep State. She also discusses her awakening and how God had her author 5 books with more on the way!

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