amerihahaha the joke's on you (YOU ARE THE EXPERIMENT)

3 years ago

sex pistols: never mind the bullocks
the most punk-ass mf in america
flip phone still after 15yrs
govt tracking device on their person at all times taking selfies advocating for their un-mainstream views
they won't shut up about how counter-culture they are
i'm not gonna make it easier for them to do their bidding, understand that
they make bank betting that the sheep will take the bait
those in western demoralization just wanna fit in
the coolest thing you can do is not be cool
the way to win is to lose
they would look away if they could
reading a book is so punk
hand held book
they can do whatever they want amy, they're the state
you have a camera in yer hand, that's a device you dumb bitch
reading about drugs

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