$178,000 in 1 Month Selling Baby Clothes Using Facebook Ads

3 years ago

$178,000 in 1 Month Selling Baby Clothes Using Facebook Ads.
Register for Keala's FREE web class https://ma239.isrefer.com/go/FA4P/a80846/

A quick video on how I was able to generate $178k in 1 month for one of my client's selling baby clothes.

If you're looking for someone to help you run Facebook ads for your business send me a msg on Facebook.

Minimum spend must be $100 a day in ads, with at least $5000 spend already on your account.

If your sick of working for someone else watch my mentor free webclass on how to start an online business.

Watch the web class here 👉 https://ma239.isrefer.com/go/FA4P/a80846/

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