059 WV Just War, Personal Forgiveness & the Sovereign Administration of Justice

3 years ago

(Dedicated to my friends Rex and Trog at Liberty's Thunder Radio)
Famed Orthodox writer and monk (some claim saint), Fr. Seraphim Rose painted a dismal picture of life in a Republic, lumping all republican governments into a category of revolutionary wasteland. Many people view Seraphim Rose as a great "seer" and commentator. He was a keen observer, but I see too much fatalism in the body of his work and believe his thinking was colored by his young years, contaminated by the massive "end time lore" of his day and without getting into a war with his cult followers (and I mean no disrespect in that description, I know they rightly love and admire him) I cannot help but wonder if some of the Nihilism, Fr. Seraphim accurately saw did not color his own view of the present possibilities. After all, he looked at the great vibrant energy of his age and saw only dust, nothing in it that could be influenced for the good. In fact, he painted all efforts to promote what is True, Good, and Beautiful in a republic as a fatalistic exercise.
Were the apostles and early fathers to have taken his tack in their observation of their day, the Roman Empire would have never become Christian. There was nothing in the Empires of their day that would have encouraged them to think, "Look, this pagan barbarity, with Emperors around the world and their children-sacrificing death cults, who are celebrating the peace of all the gods, and many claiming to be god's themselves, is perfectly conducive to 'Evangelization' and will become Christian and will one day aid the spread of Christianity around the world."

The paganism, philosophy, and barbarity of THIS Empire is not so different in many ways, and greatly different in others, but just as in the Roman Empire, the Christian voices and pagan voices "vied for the ear of the king," the same is true today. However, today many of those pagan voices are now called "Christian."
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