Having kids didn't wreck your life – here’s why that’s a myth!

3 years ago

Ever think back to your life before kids?

Ever wonder how you possibly thought you were snowed under with tasks, responsibilities, and obligations, with never enough free time?

Yeah, that’s a laugh. Try motherhood, you mentally tell your former self.

But since you’re here – since you have those kids, and this life – what say we do a little mindset work and reframe your expectations?

After all, having kids didn’t wreck your life. They’re not to blame for every ounce of overwhelm and piece of pressure.

No, you are the one who chose to respond that way. To see your choices as “overwhelm” or “frustration,” with no third option.

So we need to start with you.

What you’ll learn:
• Reset your expectations (compared to life without kids)
• Gauge where your family’s at (aka, season in life)
• Guard your free time (to avoid mommy burnout)

There it is.

That’s the key to success, to retraining your mindset post-kids.

Because you still have a good life – a great one. You just have to reframe your expectations.

You can get past survival mode to thrive in #momlife mode.

I want that for you. Do you?

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

Wishing you could actually like your life (with kids) again?
Watch your on-demand class: https://yourunbusylife.com/application/

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