How to triage your to-do list

3 years ago

We’ve all been there….

• Do I really have to do that?
• Couldn’t I just skip out on this today?
• Is the sky actually going to fall just because I didn’t ____ (dust the fan, organize the hall closet, or whatever task is on your “should” list today)?

Well, it’s time to clear your to-do lists once and for all, ladies.

No more mile-long running reminders for you!

You deserve a pared-down list of priorities that can actually get done in the time allotted.

What you’ll learn:
• How to decide if you should keep this task on your to-do list
• Is it stressing you out to have it hanging over your head?
• Your mental health is more important than crossing off an arbitrary number of to-do’s

You’re not responsible for getting everything in the world done.

Let me say that again. You are not responsible to do every single thing that every single podcast you ever listened to tells you to do.

Deep breath, now.

This is your life. Your choosing. And yes, your task list.

So tell me, what are you deleting today?

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

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