You won’t see progress if you don’t prune your life

3 years ago

You guys have all heard the definition of insanity attributed to Einstein, right?

You know, the one that goes like this: “The definition of insanity is doing things the same way and expecting a different outcome.”

That one.

So, where are you doing that in your own life, right now?

Going about your week, or day, or year in the exact same way – and still expecting that one day the magic will strike, and everything will work again?

You see, here’s the key.

You have to actually get up and do something different.

What you’ll learn:
• The definition of insanity in your #momlife
• If life by itself is too hard, something needs to get deleted
• Then I want you to add something back in – white space

Time by yourself, in sweet peace and quiet, to take a deep breath.

That’s what you need to really succeed in life. #Momlife, especially. And I want you to find it.

Because going from here, life right now, to there? (AKA, your dream life.)

It’s going to take change.

No more insanity for you, my mom friend. It’s time to press delete.

Where do you need to try something different today?

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

Do you need some a lot of white space in your calendar?
Watch your on-demand class:

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