The Elite Want You to Stop Using Up Their Resources

3 years ago

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Today we are talking about population control. After doing a little reading (from mainstream sources mind you), I have discovered that the elite classes (the same ones trying to take control of everything) believe the population of our planet is unsustainable, and needs to be reduced.

In a Newsweek article from 2014 they even mentioned pandemics, war, and reduced fertility rates as mechanisms for population reduction. The article talked about studies done to see how these methods might improve our population problems, and that each one by itself was not sufficient to curb growth rates. As soon as I read "pandemic" my breath caught for a moment. Who is studying these things as potential methods for reducing the population? (

You may or may not be surprised to learn of the various people who are in favor of reducing our population. Prince Philip had some words to say on the subject back in the 80s (, and it seems he was not the only one with these sorts of beliefs. More recently Prince William spoke about his beliefs concerning overpopulation. It is quoted in Business Insider (

So what does that mean for me and you? Obviously Bill Gates (yes, him too) and the royal family are not going to volunteer for population reduction. They are looking for ways to reduce the likes of you and I, especially in trouble spots like Africa, where birth rates are quite high. It is remarkable that all of their charities seem to be focused in places like that. It almost makes you wonder what they are doing there, experimenting on the population.

I can say one thing for sure, I don't want these people running the world. Keep the revolution alive, we must push back against these monsters, they are too much like the Nazis. They feel we are taking away resources that should rightfully be theirs, well I say no.

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