Do your kids know how to clean their rooms?

3 years ago

Have you ever felt like you and your kids must have a cosmic language mismatch when you say the words “pick up?”

They seem to hear “pick up a few things” or “pick up at some point today.”

They certainly don’t hear, “You have 20 minutes to get this room in tip-top order!” (Which is what you’re really meaning.)

So how can you help them help you? (I.e., turn into responsible picker-uppers?)

Here’s a simple 3-step process that I use in my own home to train those little kid helpers. (Willing or no!)

What you’ll learn:
• Are you going to train them to your standards, or accept kid-level results?
• How do you make sure one kid doesn’t get off scot-free while the responsible ones do all the work?
• Don’t make a habit of letting your tidy-up tornado son rescue his siblings (yes, he’s just being nice; no, they have to learn it for themselves)

So yes, momma. You can have a (pretty) clean house, one that your kids helped with.

You’re just going to have to train them how to do it, and then not let them off the hook for doing their share.

But the results are going to be so worth it.

Look back over your current kid expectations. Do you need to adjust to their current ability level, or expect more of them (and train them how to do it)?

Align your expectations for success.

Which are you changing today – your tidiness standards, or their participation?

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

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