How we do Christmas: a minimalist family’s guide to the winter holidays

3 years ago

Do you ever wish you could hide from December 23rd till January 2nd?

Just skip the whole holiday celebration thing?

If that’s so, then this article is for you.

Because I’m sharing a little journaling exercise that’ll cut right through the fluff, the should’s, and the perpetual family traditions to the heart of what you want from this holiday.

What you’ll learn:
• What do you look forward to during the holiday season?
• What do you hate doing? If you didn’t have to do it ever again, you’d be singing the Hallelujah chorus?
• Give yourself permission to skip (or outsource) all the stress-inducing activities

Remember – no guilt allowed!

Remember – no guilt allowed!

You’re not somehow celebrating a faux Christmas by skipping out on the hard work of cooking food you don’t like, driving to parties you don’t want to be at, and wrapping presents by the dozen you don’t care about.

You’re doing what’s best for you, while honoring the holiday traditions that mean most to you.

Give yourself permission to do things the easier way – the lighter way – this year.

The rest? It’ll keep – for someone else, some other year.

What are you skipping this Christmas season?

You’ve got this!

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