Beyond Matrix Veil of Illusion into Infinite Frequencies w/Karen Cheong: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #44

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk to Frequency Teacher, Karen Cheong about how to tune into a 5th dimensional and above frequency with source, and how to use our frequency for energy healing. Karen, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work?
2. Let’s talk ego and oneness in terms of the frequency with the source. Whose frequency is doing the energy healing?
3. In Buddhism, we have this concept of spiritual emptiness in Nirvana. However, beyond the void is infinite love, which has the highest frequency. Can you describe what the highest frequency you tap into feels like?
4. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Dr. David R. Hawkins of the Map of Consciousness measures the energy of Love at 500+. The consciousness of source is timeless love, which in my Buddhist understanding of Christ Consciousness is a 5D level of attunement. I wonder if the 5th-dimensional consciousness starts at 500+ LOC and the more people who tune themselves to that level of energy, the more their frequency brings up others. Please describe how our high frequencies affect the matrix?
5. Does planet Earth have a frequency? Do people recalibrate with the magnetics of Earth’s higher frequencies?
6. In Buddhism, everyone is energy in an avatar that we all picked out prior to being born for our intended sojourn. The only difference is the level of energy that someone emits. What are the common life lessons that people unconsciously have which hold down their frequency?
7. I’ve come across a lot of charlatans in the spiritual community? What are some traits that a true teacher has?
8. What I like about your offerings, is that you actually provide resources for people to address their life lessons, learn from them, and create more preferred experiences responsibly. In essence, people become their own guru and healer. What are the most popular online courses that you offer?
9. Do you want to leave the audience with the last message that can help them build the 5th dimension in the high frequencies that Earth is leveling further into?

For more information about Karen Cheong’s offerings, please visit her website:

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work:

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#KarenCheong, #InfiniteFrequencies, #VeilOfIllusion, #HalographicMatrix, #Consciousness, #SourceCodeSouls, #RealityIllusion, #5thDimensionFrequency, #OversoulOneness, #UnityConsciousness, #Spirituality, #SpiritualAwakeningsAscension, #Samsara, #EnergyHealing, #Buddhism, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #6thSenses, #TulkuChildren, #StarseedAdults, #Transcending3rdDimension, #SphericalLuminosity, #BeyondReligions

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