Distant Quantum Healing & 5D Metaphysics w/Nedrra & Daerick Lanakila: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #34

3 years ago

Aloha and welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we go to the islands of Hawaii to learn how Tabout distant quantum energy healing and Metaphysics with Energy Healing Instructors and practitioners, Daerick & Nedrra Lanakila. Plus, they offer us more insight on how to further our co-creation with nature and the spiritual beings we each have the opportunity to work with. Dearick and Nedra, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

1. Before we dig in. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work? Let’s begin with Nedra’s story? Daerick’s Story?

2. Can you describe what distant quantum energy healing is? How do you do it online? In-person?

3. What are some of the emotional and spiritual reasons that may cause unease in the body?

4. Are a good number of your client’s body pains reflecting unresolved family issues? Examples?

5. As a facilitator, who is doing the healing…Consciousness or the client themselves?

6. I’ve found some of my quantum hypnosis clients are living healthy lives and have good family relationships. However, they still have anxiety, depression, and panic attacks about society. What recommendations do you two have on finding that Aloha spirit and connection to source during turbulent times of society’s metamorphosis?

7. There is a lot of folklore about planet Earth being a living being and we are all part of her body. How should we be good caretakers of the lush garden we are privileged to live on?

8. I’ve spoken to a few Hawaiian mystics and shamans of various modalities who believe humanity is going to become intergalactic in this lifetime and will be in contact with ancient star beings. What are your thoughts on that? When we do meet other sentient beings in the cosmos, what are your recommendations for offering aloha friendship?

9. Can you tell us more about your plans are for this year regarding your courses and services?

10. Will you be offering the courses on DVDs, books, or a subscription basis?

For more information about Daerick and Nedrra Lanakila’s distant quantum energy healing courses and offerings, please visit their website:

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work: https://merkabachakras.com/

Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by https://www.premiumbeat.com/

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#DaerickNedrraLanakila, #DistantEnergyHealing, #Metaphysics, #Consciousness, #ConnectToSpiritGuides, #LearnEnergyHealing, #5thDimensionConsciousness, #ConnectToEarth, #IndigoStarseeds, #EnlightenedBeings, #Mysticism, #Aloha5thDimension, #AliensAloha, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #5DBuddhism, #PhillipinoPsychicSurgeryTechniques

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