Infinite Source & 5D Gaia w/Shamanic Meditations - Dakota Walker: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #37

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we dive into the healing nature of connecting to Gaia (Earth) through Shamanic meditation and rituals with Dakota Earth Cloud Walker. Dakota has been a Shamanic Teacher for over 25 years, and she brings a wealth of experience in how we all can connect to our planet and each other through shamanism. Dakota, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work?

2. Your Gaia team offers online and in-person courses. What can people learn from taking the Soul Warrior course?

3. You also offer Soul Dive online courses. One is how to have direct revelation…How can people practice discernment with these revelations so that they are not taken for a ride or misguided? How do they know if the message is for their greatest good?

4. You also offer courses on learning the language of our Spirit Guides. Can you explain what the language of Spirit Guides is?

5. You have two books out. Both books have a 21-day Challenge. What can people look forward to reading in each 21-day Challenge?

6. You have a lot of free meditations on the website and you do YouTube Live meditations for the public. Can you tell us more about that? What is the most popular meditation theme that people get?

7. What’s interesting about your meditations is that you recommend different ones based on the soul archetype compatibility. Can you explain these archetypes?

8. There are people who do not think that the Earth is conscious, but Princeton University and the HearthMath Institute have proven Earth is alive through research in the Schumann Resonance. For those of us who acknowledge Earth’s heart song, how can we be good caretakers of the Earth?

9. What are your suggestions or last message for building a 5thdimension society?

For more information about Dakota Walker’s offerings, please visit her website:

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work:

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#DakotaEarthCloudWalker, #NativeAmericanShamanism, #CelticDruidShamanism, #5DGaiaEarth, #5DShamanismMeditation, #ShamanismCourses, #TranceDanceMeditations, #21DayGratituteChallenge, #EarthIsAlive, #5DSchumannResonance, #PrincetonUniversityEarthResearch, #HeartMathInstituteEarthResearch, #LanguageSpiritGuides, #5thDimension, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #Buddhism, #Mysticism5D

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