The Covid Red Pill Factory Part 5 - "Venom Unleashed"

3 years ago

Added "The X-Files" pandemic predictive programming from Seasons 10 and 11, as well as "Venom" (the movie) guinea pig predictive programming to mainly shed a new light on the subject of nano-graphene oxide, which is in more of our every day substances than we will probably ever know.
Further confirmation for the application of the 5G grid and chemtrails controlling humanity.
PCR tests were never used properly and you will discover this too.
The Rockefeller Foundation involvement with disinformation and yet more predictive programming for all of the above and then some.
They want you to become a mindless android.
Virtual reality for kids to receive their jabs sound like a good idea?
Also, the looting in South Africa is showcasing the future of bread bag lines for civilians.
A whole lot more too.

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