When Is A Christian Judged? ... Now or at the Time of the End?

3 years ago

Every human being who has ever lived will be judged... but not all at the same time. There is time appointed for you, me, the man down the street, Europeans, Asians, Africans, Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists. People who died last week and people who died 3,000 years ago. Where do you fit into the timeline of God's righteous judgment.

Various non-biblical cultures have their own ideas about life after death. Christians, Jews, Muslims have their ideas about death. Without recounting all the variations the basic concept is that a person will be judged after they die and receive some sort of reward, or punishment based on what they did in this life.

Most of what is taught about the afterlife and in particular about judgment is foolish non-sense.

The only reliable source of information regarding the afterlife and in particular about judgment is the bible. Many people think they know what the bible says about judgment but really don't. The average person's belief about what they think the scriptures say has more in common with human folk-tales that the actual recorded word of God.

Today we are going to review the biblical teaching on judgment.

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Read this message at our blog 📘 https://ucgraleigh.blogspot.com/2019/10/every-one-of-us-will-be-judged-but-when.html

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