Pay Careful Attention To God's Instructions

3 years ago

The Creator of the Universe deserves your attention... unlike the attention hogs in this world God doesn't want anything from you... He wants to give to you... the way of love and peace, eternal life, an everlasting inheritance. But none of those good outcomes are going to come your way if you do not give Him your concentrated attention.

When David was bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem after many years of absence he and those who where with him were not paying careful attention to God's instructions! God struck down Uzzah when he reached out his hand to touch the ark.

It got David's attention!

3 Principles of Paying Attention
1. 2 Peter 1:19 listen to God's servants
2. Pray to Understand God's Direction
3. Pay Attention Long Term

Don’t Be Too Proud To Pay Attention. The Creator of the Universe would like you attention.

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