
3 years ago

如何控制世界"How To Take Over The World"
1) 散播一種武器化流感"introduce a Weaponised Influenza"
2) 讓報紙和廣播渲染充斥著死亡 "Flood Newspapers and Radio with Death"
3) 關閉商店與教堂(封城)"Shut Down Shops and Churches"
4) 用執法鎮壓反對者"Use Law Enforcement To Stifle Dissent"
5) 展示生病與死亡的人"Parade The Sick And the Dead"
6) 讓人民注射疫苗來消滅無用的人和老人"Inject a Vaccine To Sterilise The Work shy and Euthanize the Old"
7) 擁有銀行的人現在擁有醫院,這是他們的計畫來擁有你 "the People who Own the Banks now owns the hospitals. This is Their Plan To Own YOU"

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