Funeral director explains what is really happening in England...

3 years ago

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Interviewee Testimonial
I am a funeral director running his own funeral home - for the doubters this is me, I have been in the trade 15 years.
What I will say is last year the death rate was totally normal in fact many of my colleagues turned their fridges off before Christmas because there was no one to put in them.

We returned after Christmas and they began v… locally on January 6th and the death rate immediately went through the roof.
In fact in fifteen years I’ve never seen a death rate like it.
Then as suddenly as it began it ceased.
We haven’t seen a C… death for three months now.

I had a government sponsored pandemic guy who used to call me every Monday he would ask me two questions.
How many deceased have I collected that week where they come from and how many were C…. and this was in order to collect C..death numbers.

I explained I had collected people from care homes who were not C… but had simply passed to old age.
He then began steering me saying “but wasn’t there c.. in that care home or hospital”
Deliberate inflating C.. numbers despite me insisting they were not.
After some months he finally admitted to me he did not know why he was doing the job as everyone was saying the same thing – there were no C… deaths.

Some months ago I looked after a senior consultant who lost his wife.
We got quite close and he told me openly never to take a j@b and he told me they are very very dangerous.

When it first appeared like everyone else I was very concerned.
One of the first deceased I had in my care when the event started was a six-year-old girl who had passed due to cancer.
Naturally her family wanted to see her and this was at a time when funeral directors were taking Coffins straight to the hospital and sealing them.
No wishing no dressing and frankly because they could get away with it.

How could I tell this family they could not see their little girl ?
So I washed and dressed this little girl and had her embalmed and I then thought “ if I can do this for them I can do this for everyone”

So that’s exactly what I’ve done through this whole C… episode I have washed and dressed every C.. labelled deceased personally this is dozens and dozens and dozens of people and I did so without a mask because I could not get any.

I’m 53 I have high blood pressure and I am an asthmatic.
This is supposedly the worlds deadliest event - it’s a miracle I’m alive eh… 🙄

Now I will tell you as a funeral director I have seen massive effort made to deliberately inflate C… death numbers.
Cancer patients and stroke victims and even one guy that was run over all ended up with C… on their death certificates - why ?

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