12 Things High Functioning Anxiety Makes you Do

3 years ago

High functioning anxiety isn’t a diagnosable condition, and so, it can be difficult to identify, because those who have it don’t appear anxious. However, the calm appearance doesn’t make it any less real, serious, or painful for those who have it. Are you someone who could be suffering from high functioning anxiety? Do you know someone who might be?

#hfa #highfunctioning #anxiety

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Denise Ding & Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Tristan Canimo ( Neonluxi )
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Youtube: Psych2Go

• American Psychological Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. Washington, DC, USA; APA Publishing.
• National Institute of Mental Health (2017). What Are Anxiety Disorders? Retrieved from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/stati...
• National Alliance Against Mental Illness (2018). Mental Health by The Numbers. Retrieved from https://www.nami.org/learn-more/menta...

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