Resolving 3D’S Divisive Nature by Evolving the Self

3 years ago

I’ve chosen to speak to you about something that is very important, which we are all dealing with – Division.

OUR DIFFERENCES ARE BEING USED AGAINST US – TO KEEP US DIVIDED: In the bigger picture, It doesn’t matter which side you’re on regarding politics, vacc’s, covid, spirituality, religious beliefs, gender, race, ethnicity, or whether you’re rich or poor. These intentional battles are all designed to divide us.

These divisive arguments play into the hands of the force that is trying to prevent us from knowing our Divine Truth, capture us, and enslave us to a reality where we would always be separated from who we really are.

TEACHERS OF 3D: Those who are here to teach us about the divide and conquer game are doing us a favor at the end of the day. They are mirroring the divisions and wounds we have within ourselves. They have done their job well.

The divisiveness that is being triggered is a reflection of the divisions we have within ourselves. 3D tells you that you are separate from God and that serving yourself and listening to your intuition is wrong = separation from Self and God. This creates Judgment which increases division in many ways.

The 3D structure of Duality, which created separation or division, expanded its formation and the foundations for thousands of years.
This means we are dealing with multiple life experiences and timelines that have been converging because we are at the end of this dualistic experience, or cycle. The goals our Soul chooses for us to achieve are wrapping up quickly, whether they end on a positive or negative note is up to each individual. Your choice determines whether you advance towards the opening 5D reality of incredible abundance, freedom and joy.

DIVISIONS AND ISSUES ARE BEING TRIGGERED, TO BE RESOLVED: We will continue to be triggered because the new reality of 5D requires that we face, resolve the 3D programming, and internal blocks/issues, and chose what to replace them with.

5D = Unity with self/soul/heart, uniting with your relationship with God, and the Oneness of Creation, which is unity and connection with all Souls. We will see each other as the amazing brothers and sisters that we are.

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: To move into 5D, we must take responsibility for own thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and repressed traumas.

If you’ve gotten the C inoculation and cannot connect to your emotions or heart any longer, through your conscious intention, I believe you can repair this disconnect. We are always able to change our course, fix our mistakes and reconnect to our divine truth which sets us free. This reconnection is our relationship with God, the Ultimate Creator or Source of the Universe.

It is time for all of us to have a conversation with God. It is time to go within our hearts and make some new choices.

If you wish to heal and move forward, think about everything in your life that has divisive element within. Somehow, it will symbolize a division or disconnection within you. Where are you disconnected from your Soul, God? Ask God for help.

Abundant Blessings, Carolyn Greenleaf,

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