The Golden Age Project Revising History -Recovering Knowledge w/ Edmund Marriage

3 years ago

Tonight, with Edmund Marriage we will be delving into the material presented by the Golden age project a part of the Patrick Foundation, which is an independent research network, to provide a down to earth, common sense base, for all those open-minded people who seek the highest standards of information on human origins, history, and human relations subjects.

Focusing tonight on the origins of Jesus and his twin brother and how they are closely linked to the British Druids. How the ancient title of King of Kings title runs through the Bible, Evidence on the role and identity of Jesus and his being Britain's most successful legendary king uniting the British Isles under his national Roman God for his peacemaking roles during Pax Romana and the leading protagonist for Christianity at the council of Nicea in 324 AD.

His extensive historical research has revealed a single advanced, secular benevolent source for all religions.
His Golden Age Project inspired by the work of Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien promotes the recovery of past knowledge in order to resolve many of today's problems. He believes that re-establishing high standards of training and knowledge for all important roles, forms a priority in establishing good Government and successful Social Organisation and Cohesion.

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