The Plot of Men, the Plan of God, the Price of Redemption, Matt. 26

3 years ago

It's all by design and foreordained by God! The stage is set and the players are all in place for the plot, the anointing, betrayal, arrest and crucifixion of Jesus.

The narrative of the death and sufferings of Christ is more detailed and fully recorded by all four gospels than any part of his history. The year of the redeemed had arrived, the seventy weeks determined were now accomplished, when transgression must be finished, reconciliation made, and an everlasting righteousness brought in, by the cutting off of Messiah the Prince, Dan. 9:24, 26.

Is there anything in your life too good to give Jesus? Is there any sacrifice too great? Is there something you’ve been holding back on when you could do it – or give it to Him?

Complete sermon notes and transcript:

Sep 23, 2019

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