3 years ago

William Cooper U.F.O. coverup (Full Length) A rare find. This is a Bill Cooper September 24, 1989 lecture in which he explains Aliens (their presence among us, our collaborations with them, the Alien Treaties), Secret Governments, the Trilateral Commission and an insight into Secret Government plans to destroy humanity by viral pandemic.
I remember Bill Cooper in the late 80's when, at that time I was waking up and the rabbit holes for knowledge were many and deep. I watched many of his lectures on the internet in its raw infancy, I was also paying attention to other whistleblowers like Ted Mars, Fr. Malachi Martin, Col Philip Corso and a host of guests Art Bell interviewed on his show “Coast to Coast AM”. I was fixated on UFOs and learning about the Illuminati, CFR and secret societies that had nefarious, deadly plans for humanity that I see unfolding today. I came to later find out that Bill Cooper hated Alex Jones. Cooper often said Jones was one of the elite but I’ll let you do your own research and decide.
Bill Cooper was the real deal. A true patriot American. During the course of his military career, he acquired the details to the plans of the Illuminati for global extinction of humanity...what is being implemented now…and worse. This is a rare find to get this one lecture, that was chopped into many segments, all in one video and I thank the unknown video creator. If you have not listened to this September 24, 1989 lecture...its 3.5 hrs long...you will be missing acquiring the lion's share of information you need to know to understand what is happening today and why it is happening. I highly recommend that you listen to it one, twice or three times and become better informed.

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