Operation: Fortify China Dream, Episode 1

3 years ago

During the last two years, we have been apart of the largest psychological operation and worldwide leverage buyout in modern World History. Since the death of Jeffery Epstein, who was deeply involved with Gates, the Clintons, and tangentially, Trump, ordinary people awakened to what the ELITES really are about.

The ELITES and their well-paid technocrats and ideological lackeys were not pleased with the ruination of their 2030 plans. Set into motion, years before, but then frustrated by the US's domestic resurgence under Trump. This had to be stopped.

The Globalist counterattack, in phase 1, was the CCP GOF Virus. From Washington D.C. to Beijing to Davos, certain Globalist forces put their stacks of cash ALL IN on taking over the entire Western World. Destroying freedoms around the world, deploying the China Model of authoritarianism, debt, and BGY traps, that will be discussed in future episodes.

This episode walks us through the post-Epstein connections, Event 201 and Fauci emails.

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